
Call for papers for CoRe panel at 10th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS X): Arctic Generations: Looking Back and Looking Forward, Arkhanglsk, June 15 - 20, 2020


We would like to invite you to submit your abstract of max. 250 words to our panel "The Promise of Arctic Infrastructural Development: Connectivity, Mobility, Prosperity" at ICASS X not later than December 31, 2019

The panel "The Promise of Arctic Infrastructural Development: Connectivity, Mobility, Prosperity" is Organised by Peter Schweitzer (University of Vienna), Olga Povoroznyuk (University of Vienna), Gertrude Saxinger (Austrian Polar Research Institute - APRI).

Large-scale infrastructure projects in the Arctic seem to have the power to enchant different publics such as industry representatives, local residents and indigenous people, transnational stakeholders, as well as policy makers at all scales. At the same time, such projects trigger fear and concern among some of these groups. The promises of modernity and development through mobility, connectivity, and prosperity, which are often at the heart of this enchantment, deserve critical examination in the context of rapid social transformation, climate change, and resource extraction. We invite papers addressing a wide range of questions about the connection between infrastructural development and these social and economic costs and benefits, as well as about the actual social transformations they set in motion. Starting from our ongoing Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project “Configurations of Remoteness (CoRe)”, we encourage participants to present case-studies on these topics, in order to continue theoretical conversations on a pan-Arctic level.

The abstract of max. 250 words should be submitted by December 31, 2019 to the online system. For our panel please select theme “Arctic Infrastructure” and/or “Migrations & Mobilities”