Петер Швайцер
- Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage. Polar Geography, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2022.2046195 with Alexis Sancho-Reinoso, Gertrude Saxinger, Christoph Fink, Olga Povoroznyuk, Sigrid Irene Wentzel, Gertraud Illmeier, Natalia Krasnoshtanova & Vera Kuklina
- What Difference Does a Railroad Make? Transportation and Settlement in the BAM Region in Historical Perspective. V. Davydov, J. Ferguson and J. Ziker (eds). The Siberian Worlds. Routledge. (Forthcoming). With O. Povoroznyuk
- Infrastructural Legacies and Post-Soviet Transformations in Northern Yakutia, Russia. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning (Forthcoming) with O. Povoroznyuk
- Arctic Roads and Railways: Social and Environmental Consequences of Transport Infrastructure in the Circumpolar North. Arctic Science. (Under review) With O. Povoroznyuk, W.F. Vincent, R. Laptander, M. Bennett, F. Calmels, D. Sergeev, C. Arp, B. Forbes and D. A. Walker
- Railroads and the North: Historic and Ethnographic Examples from Russia and North America. Friedrich, D., Hirnsperger, M., and Bauer, S. (eds). More than ‘Nature’: Research on Infrastructure and Settlements in the North, Vienna: LIT Verlag (submitted)
- Precarious Connections: On the Promise and Menace of Railroad Projects. Introduction to the special section. Transfers. Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies, 2020, 10(2-3), pp. 137-151. With Olga Povoroznyuk
- Введение: особенности функционирования и антропологических исследований транспортных инфраструктур на Севере. Сибирские исторические исследования, 2020 (3): 8-18. Совместно с Ольгой Поворознюк и Владимиром Давыдовым [Скачать в формате PDF]
- Политика мобильности на циркумполярном Севере: к антропологии транспортных инфраструктур. Сибирские исторические исследования, 2020 (3): 19-31 [Скачать в формате PDF]
- Несколько замечаний из-за рубежа. Ответ на "Откуда и куда пришла российская этнология: персональный взгляд в глобальной перспективе. Этнографическое обозрение, 2020 (2): 115-118
- A Right to Remoteness? A Missing Bridge and Articulations of Indigeneity along an East Siberian Railroad. Forthcoming in Social Anthropology. by Olga Povoroznyuk and Peter Schweizer
- Polar Anthropology, or Why We Need to Study More than Humans in Order to Understand People. The Polar Journal 7(1): 1-8 by Peter Schweitzer
- Beyond Wilderness: Toward an Anthropology of Infrastructure and the Built Environment in the Russian North. The Polar Journal 7(1): 58-85 by Peter Schweitzer, Olga Povoroznyuk, Sigrid Schiesser [pdf download available]
- Korennye narody i urbanizatsia na Aliaske i na kanadsom Severe [Indigenous Peoples and Urbanization in Alaska and the Canadian North]. Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie. 2016 (1). Theme issue (guest editors: O. Povoroznyuk and D. Funk, "Urbanizatsiia i aborigennye kul'tury na Tsirkumpoliarnom severe i v Sibiri") by Peter Schweitzer [pdf download available]
- Fallstudie: Wer bestimmt über die Ressourcen der Arktis? in: Handbuch Entwicklungsforschung. K. Fischer, G. Hauck, and M. Boatcă, eds. Springer NachschlageWissen. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS, 2016, 351-354 by Peter Schweitzer
- Can One See the Arctic from Vienna?, Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology website, July 29, 2016 by Peter Schweitzer [текст статьи]
- Korennye narody i urbanizatsiya na Alyaske i na Kanadskom Severe. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie (1), 2016, 10-22 by Peter Schweitzer
- Speaking Again of Climate Change: An Analysis of Climate Change Discourses in Northwestern Alaska, in: Anthropology and Climate Change: From Actions to Transformations. Second edition. S.A. Crate and M. Nuttall, eds. Pp. 200-209. New York 2016: Routledge, by Marino, Elizabeth and Peter Schweitzer
- Arctic Sustainability Research: Toward a New Agenda, Polar Geography 39(3): 165-178. DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2016.1217095, 2016, by Petrow, Andrey N., Shauna BurnSilver, F. Stuart Chapin III, Gail Fondahl, Jessica Graybill, Kathrin Keil, Annika E. Nilsson, Rudolf Riedlsperger and Peter Schweitzer
Ольга Поворознюк
- Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage. Polar Geography, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2022.2046195 with Alexis Sancho-Reinoso, Gertrude Saxinger, Christoph Fink, Sigrid Irene Wentzel, Gertraud Illmeier, Peter Schweitzer, Natalia Krasnoshtanova & Vera Kuklina
- What Difference Does a Railroad Make? Transportation and Settlement in the BAM Region in Historical Perspective. V. Davydov, J. Ferguson and J. Ziker (eds). The Siberian Worlds. Routledge. (Forthcoming). With P. Schweitzer
- Infrastructural Legacies and Post-Soviet Transformations in Northern Yakutia, Russia. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning (Forthcoming) with P. Schweitzer
- Discursive Construction of a (Post-)Socialist Megaproject: Ideologies and Myths of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. In Kathryn Graber, Tatiana Saburova and Russel Valentino (eds.). Frozen Futures: Isolation and the Promise of Infrastructure in Siberian Development Projects. Indiana University Press. (Forthcoming).
- Arctic Roads and Railways: Social and Environmental Consequences of Transport Infrastructure in the Circumpolar North. Arctic Science. (Under review) With P. Schweitzer, W.F. Vincent, R. Laptander, M. Bennett, F. Calmels, D. Sergeev, C. Arp, B. Forbes and D. A. Walker
- Ambiguous Entanglements: Infrastructure, Memory and Identity in Indigenous Evenki Communities along the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Social Anthropology (2021): 29 (2): 1-17. doi.org/10.1111/1469-8676.13032
- (Re)Constructing the Baikal-Amur Mainline. Continuity and Change of (Post)Socialist Infrastructure. Transfers. Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies, 2020, 10(2-3), pp. 250-269
- Discursive Construction of a (Post-)Socialist Megaproject: Ideology and Myth of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. In Kathryn Graber, Tatiana Saburova and Russel Valentino (eds.). Frozen Futures: Isolation and the Promise of Infrastructure in Siberian Development Projects. Indiana University Press (submitted)
- Precarious Connections: On the Promise and Menace of Railroad Projects. Introduction to the special section. Transfers. Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies, 2020, 10(2-3), pp. 137-151. With Peter Schweitzer
- (Пост)Советская инфраструктура: Политика памяти, идентичности и эмоций на БАМе.Сибирские Исторические Исследования, 2020 (3): 32-47 [Скачать в формате PDF]
- Введение: особенности функционирования и антропологических исследований транспортных инфраструктур на Севере. Сибирские исторические исследования, 2020 (3): 8-18. Совместно с Петером Швайтцером и Владимиром Давыдовым [Скачать в формате PDF]
- Жизнь БАМа. под ред. О. Поворознюк и И. Крылова. Вена, Институт культурной и социальной антропологии, 2020. [Скачать в формате PDF]
- Социальная динамика на БАМе. Жизнь БАМа, под ред. О. Поворознюк и И. Крылова. Вена, Институт культурной и социальной антропологии, 2020: 12-17 [Скачать в формате PDF]
- О посёлке, которому не нужен мост: случай Усть-Нюкжи. Жизнь БАМа, под ред. О. Поворознюк и И. Крылова. Вена, Институт культурной и социальной антропологии, 2020: 51-56. Совместно с Петером Швайтцером [Скачать в формате PDF]
- Второй БАМ и перспеткивы развития. Жизнь БАМа, под ред. О. Поворознюк и И. Крылова. Вена, Институт культурной и социальной антропологии, 2020: 62-67 [Скачать в формате PDF]
- Эпилог: студенты на БАМе и что будет после CoRe. Жизнь БАМа, под ред. О. Поворознюк и И. Крылова. Вена, Институт культурной и социальной антропологии, 2020: 68-70. Совместно с Петером Швайтцером [Скачать в формате PDF]
- Memories of a Socialist Construction Project: Identity Building and the Politics of Emotions along the Baikal-Amur Mainline. In Sibirica, Vol. 18 (2019), issue #1, pp. 22-52; doi: https://doi.org/10.3167/sib.2019.180103, by Olga Povoroznyuk
- A Right to Remoteness? A Missing Bridge and Articulations of Indigeneity along an East Siberian Railroad. Forthcoming in Social Anthropology. by Olga Povoroznyuk and Peter Schweizer
- In limbo between state and corporate responsibility: Transport infrastructurein the oil village Verkhnemarkovo, Irkutskaya Oblast in Russia. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 190, 012062. 2918. doi :10.1088/1755-1315/190/1/012062, Open Access: http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/190/1/012062 by Gertrude Saxinger, Natalia Krasnosthanova, Gertraud Illmeier.
- Beyond Wilderness: Toward an Anthropology of Infrastructure and the Built Environment in the Russian North. The Polar Journal 7(1): 58-85 by Peter Schweitzer, Olga Povoroznyuk, Sigrid Schiesser [pdf download available]
- Social Dynamics and Sustainability of BAM Communities: Migration, Competition for Resources, and Intergroup Relations. In Marlene Laruelle (ed.), New Mobilities and Social Changes in Russia's Arctic Regions. London and New York: Routledge 2016, pp. 133-157, by Olga Povoroznyuk [See here]
- Gorodskie aborigeny BAMa: industrial'nyi bum, tekhnosotsial'nye seti i bor'ba za resursy (Urban aboriginals of the BAM: industrial boom, technosocial networks, and struggle for resources). 2016 (1). Theme issue (guest editors: O. Povoroznyuk and D. Funk, "Urbanizatsiia i aborigennye kul'tury na Tsirkumpoliarnom severe i v Sibiri"), by Olga Povoroznyuk
- Urbanizatsiya i korennye narody Severa: vvedenie k teme nomera (Urbanization and indigenous peoples of the North: introduction to the special issue). In Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie, 2016, No1, pp. 5-9, by Olga Povoroznyuk with D.A. Funk
- Review: Peter Jordan (editor). 2011. Landscape and culture in Northern Eurasia. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc. ISBN 978-1-59874-244-2 (hardcover). Sibirskie Istoricheskie Issledovaniia, 2016, #4, pp. 310-317 (in Russian) by Olga Povoroznyuk [See here]
- S.M. Shirokogoroff’s book ‘Sociаl Organization of the Northern Tungus’ and its Russian translation: history, structure, interpretations. Asian Ethnicity, vol. 17, issue 1, 2015, pp. 30 – 46, by Olga Povoroznyuk with Sirina A.A., V.N. Davydov V.N. and V.V. Simonova [see here].
- Aborigeny, bamovtsy i priezzhie: sotsial’nye otnoscheniya na severe Zabaikal’ia (Aboriginals, BAM Builders and Migrants: Social Relations in the Northern Zabaikal Region). In Davydov, V.N. & Arzyutov, D.V. (eds.). Sibirskii sbornik 4. Grani sotsial’nogo: antropologicheskie perspektivy issledovaniia sotsial’nykh otnoshenii i kul’tury. St. Petersburg: MAE RAN, 2014, pp. 38-55, by Olga Povoroznyuk [pdf download here].
- Belonging to Land in Tura: Migrations, Reforms, and Identity Politics in Evenkiia. In Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics, vol. 8, No 2, pp. 33-51, by Olga Povoroznyuk [pdf download here].
Гертруде Cаксингер
- Cartographic storytelling: reflecting on maps through an ethnographic application in Siberia. Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 2022, 199 (2), forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.11143/fennia.110918 with Alexis Sancho-Reinoso and Sigrid Irene Wentzel
- Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage. Polar Geography, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2022.2046195 with Alexis Sancho-Reinoso, Christoph Fink, Olga Povoroznyuk, Sigrid Irene Wentzel, Gertraud Illmeier, Peter Schweitzer, Natalia Krasnoshtanova & Vera Kuklina
- “Visualising Ethnography in Maps: Cartographic Storytelling in Siberia”. Fennia. (under revision). With A. Sancho Reinoso, S. Wentzel
- "Neglected Transportation Infrastructure: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Russian State in a Small Siberian Oil Town". Sibirica, 20(3), 1-45. Open Access With N. Krasnoshtanova and G. Illmeier
- “Stuck in between: Transportation Infrastructure, Corporate Social Responsibility and the State in a small Siberian Oil Town”. John Ziker, Vladimir Davydov, Jenanne Ferguson (eds.) Siberian Worlds. Routledge Worlds book series (forthcoming 2022). With N. Krasnoshtanova and G. Illmeier
- „Was kann die Wissenschaft bei Pandemien leisten? Ein Plädoyer für eine interdisziplinäre, transregionale und solidarische Wissenschaft“ (What can science achieve in times of pandemics? A plea for science in solidarity). Accepted by „Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft“ (forthcoming). With M. Jasser, I. Radhuber, B. Prainsack, K. Kieslich
- Rootedness along the way: meaningful sociality in petroleum and mining mobile worker camps. Mobilities, 2021, 16:2, 194-211 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17450101.2021.1885844
- Токма: маленькое село вдали от больших дорог. Иркутск, Институт географии им. Сочавы РАН, 2021. Совместно с Натальей Красноштановой и Гертрауд Илльмайер Скачать PDF-файл
- “Multilokalität als Normalisierungspraxis und synchrone Raumintegrationsleistung bei Fernpendelnden in der Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie in Russlands Arktis” (Multilocality as practices of normalisation and synchronic spatial integration among long-distance commuters (FIFO workers) in the Arctic Russian oil and gas industry”. In: Danielzyk, R. (ed.) Multilokale Lebensführung und räumliche Entwicklungen, Hannover: ARL Academy for Spatial Research and Planning, 322-328. 2020.
- Elders of the First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun, Joella Hogan. Dan Hunay – Our People’s Story. First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun Elders’s Memories and Opinions on Mining. Publishers: Yukon College/ReSDA/First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun. 80pp. 2019: by Gertrude Saxinger and Susanna Gartler
- Power of rhythms – trains and work along the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) in Siberia. Polar Geography 42 2019: by Vera Kuklina, Olga Povoroznyuk and Gertrude Saxinger [pdf download available]
- In limbo between state and corporate responsibility: Transport infrastructurein the oil village Verkhnemarkovo, Irkutskaya Oblast in Russia. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 190, 012062. 2018. doi :10.1088/1755-1315/190/1/012062, Open Access: http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/190/1/012062 by Gertrude Saxinger, Natalia Krasnosthanova, Gertraud Illmeier.
- Mobile Workers Guide: coping with FIFO and rotational shift work. (popular science outreach) Online publication fifo-guide.jimdo.com, Publishers: Yukon College/ReSDA/First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun. 64 pp. 2017: by Gertrude Saxinger and Susanna Gartler
- Unterwegs. Mobiles Leben in der Erdgas- und Erdölindustrie in Russlands Arktis /Мобильный образ жизни вахтовых рабочих нефтегазовой промышленности на Русском Крайнем Севере/Lives on the Move - Long-distance Commuting in the Northern Russian Petroleum Industry. With an extended summary in English and Russian. Wien, Weimar, Köln: Böhlau 2016, pp. 206. Peer reviewed, hardcover and Gold Open Access, publication grant by Austrian Science Fund [FWF] by Gertrude Saxinger [pdf download here]
- Settlements at the Edge: Remote human settlements in developed nations. Edward Elgar Publishing 2016, by Gertrude Saxinger together with Taylor, A., Carson, D., Ensign, P., Huskey, L., Rasmussen, R. (eds.).
- Ready to go! The next generation of mobile highly skilled workforce in the Russian petroleum industry. In: The Extractive Industries and Society 3/3, 2016: pp. 627-639. DOI 10.1016/j.exis.2016.06.005, by Gertrude Saxinger together with Öfner, E., Shakirova, E., Ivanova, M., Yakolev, M., Gareyev, E.
- Lured by oil and gas: labour mobility, multi-locality and negotiating normality & extreme in the Russian Far North, The Extractive Industries and Society Journal 3/1 2016, pp. 50-59. DOI information: 10.1016/j.exis.2015.12.002 by Gertrude Saxinger [donwload here].
- "To you, to us, to oil and gas" - The symbolic and socio-economic attachment of the workforce to oil, gas and its spaces of extraction in the Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Districts in Russia. In: Fennia- International Journal of Geography. 193:1 2015, pp. 83-98. doi: 10.11143/45209 by Gertrude Saxinger.
- Infinite Travel: The Impact of Labor Conditions on Mobility Potential in the Northern Russian Petroleum Industry. In: Laruelle, M. (ed) New Mobilities and Social Changes in Russia's Arctic Regions, London: Routledge, pp. 85-103 by Gertrude Saxinger.
- Boom back or blow back? Growth strategies in mono-industrial resource towns - "east" & "west". In: Settlements at the Edge: Remote human settlements in developed nations. Taylor, A., Carson, D., Ensign, P., Huskey, L., Rasmussen, R. and Saxinger, G. (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing 2016, pp. 49-74 by Gertrude Saxinger together with Petrov, A., Kuklina, V., Krasnostanova, N., Carson, D.
- The Russian North Connected - The Role of Long-Distance Commute Work for Regional Integration. In: SUSTAINING RUSSIA'S ARCTIC CITIES. Resource Politics, Migration, and Climate Change, Orttung, R. (ed.) London, New York: Berghahn 2016, by Gertrude Saxinger together with Elena Nuykina and Elisabeth Öfner (forthcoming).
- Die Normalität der Multilokalität: anthropologische Zugänge zum Leben in Bewegung (The normality of multi-locality: anthropological approaches to lives on the move). In: Danielzyk, R., Hilti, N. et al. (ed.) Multilokale Lebensführung und räumliche Entwicklungen, Hannover: Academy for Spatial Research and Planning 2016, by Gertrude Saxinger (forthcoming).
- "Mobil'nost' i migraciya iz Respubliki Bashkortostan v regiony Kraynego Severa Rossii" (Mobility and migration from the Republic of Bashkortostan to the Russian Far North). In: Valiachmetova, R.M., Baymurzinoy, N.M., Lavrenyuk (eds.). Trud, zanyatost' i chelovecheskoe razvitie. Ufa: Vostochnaya pechat' 2015, pp. 225-226 by Gertrude Saxinger together with Öfner, E. and Nuykina, E.
- Vakhtoviki i seks-industriya: mify, osvedomlon-nost' i deystviye (Long-distance commute workers and the sex industry: myths, awareness, action). In: Korneeva, A.YA., (ed.), Psikhologiya ekstremal'nykh professiy: materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii 18-19 dekabrya 2014, Arkhangelsk: Kira 2015, pp. 157-162 by Gertrude Saxinger together with Elena Nuykina
- People coming and going: The North as a place of migration. In: UArctic Shared Voices Magazine 2016, pp. 10-11 by Gertrude Saxinger together with Snellmann, H.
Зигрид Ирене Вентцель
- Cartographic storytelling: reflecting on maps through an ethnographic application in Siberia. Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 2022, 199 (2), forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.11143/fennia.110918 with Gertrude Saxinger and Alexis Sancho-Reinoso
- Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage. Polar Geography, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2022.2046195 with Alexis Sancho-Reinoso, Gertrude Saxinger, Christoph Fink, Olga Povoroznyuk, Gertraud Illmeier, Peter Schweitzer, Natalia Krasnoshtanova & Vera Kuklina
- State of Uncertainty. Educating the First Railroaders in Central Sakha (Yakutiya). Transfers. Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies, 2020, 10(2-3), pp. 175-194
Гертрауд Илльмайер
- Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage. Polar Geography, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2022.2046195 with Alexis Sancho-Reinoso, Gertrude Saxinger, Christoph Fink, Olga Povoroznyuk, Sigrid Irene Wentzel, Peter Schweitzer, Natalia Krasnoshtanova & Vera Kuklina
- “Stuck in between: Transportation Infrastructure, Corporate Social Responsibility and the State in a small Siberian Oil Town”. John Ziker, Vladimir Davydov, Jenanne Ferguson (eds.) Siberian Worlds. Routledge Worlds book series (forthcoming 2022). With N. Krasnoshtanova and G. Saxinger
- "Neglected Transportation Infrastructure: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Russian State in a Small Siberian Oil Town". Sibirica, 20(3), 1-45. Open Access With N. Krasnoshtanova and G. Saxinger
- Токма: маленькое село вдали от больших дорог. Иркутск, Институт географии им. Сочавы РАН, 2021. Совместно с Гертруде Саксингер и Натальей Красноштановой Скачать PDF-файл
Алексис Санчо-Рейносо
- Cartographic storytelling: reflecting on maps through an ethnographic application in Siberia. Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 2022, 199 (2), forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.11143/fennia.110918 with Gertrude Saxinger and Sigrid Irene Wentzel
- Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage. Polar Geography, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2022.2046195 with Peter Schweitzer, Gertrude Saxinger, Christoph Fink, Olga Povoroznyuk, Sigrid Irene Wentzel, Gertraud Illmeier, Natalia Krasnoshtanova & Vera Kuklina