
Петер Швайцер

  • 03.12.2021. | Social and Cultural Dimensions of Transport Infrastructures in the North (examples from CoRe, Nunataryk and InfraNorth). Aalborg University Research Seminar, online. With O. Povoroznyuk
  • 04.11.2021. | The Social Lives of Transport Infrastructures: from CoRe to InfraNorth. Annual APRI meeting, Vienna. With O. Povoroznyuk
  • 20.06.2021 | "Arctic infrastructures for whom? Remarks about development and community wellbeing" at the X International Arctic Social Sciences Confernce (online)
  • 20.06.2021 | Conference panel: "The Promise of Arctic Infrastructural Development: Connectivity, Mobility, Prosperity" at the X International Arctic Social Sciences Confernce (online)
  • 30.09.2020 | Arctic Futures: Climate Change, Transport Infrastructure and Coastal Communities. Presentation at the VANDA conference, Vienna (online)
  • 30.09.2020 | Permafrost Thaw, Infrastructure and Community Development: navigating socio-economic and environmental change in Northern Yakutia, Russia. Presentation at the VANDA conference, Vienna (online)
  • 31.03.2020 | Transportation infrastructures and development: tracing socio-economic and climate change in Tiksi, Northern Russia. Poster at the Arctic Science Summer Week (online)
  • 29.09.2019 │ Conference paper: “Culture“ and “Sustainability“: Can the Two Notions Be Brought Together? at the DGSKA conference in Konstanz, Germany.
  • Jan 2018 │ Fifth International Symposium of Arctic Research, Tokyo (Japan): Keynote Speech on “Remoteness and Infrastructure: On the Affordances of the Built Environment in Polar Regions
  • June 2017 │ Ninth International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences, Umea (Sweden): “Hubs, Corridors, and the Space Between: Transportation and Information Networks in Remote Areas"  
  • April 2017 │ Arctic Science Summit Week 2017, Prague (Czech Republic): Keynote on “Arctic Social Sciences and Interdisciplinarity: Anthropological Perspectives on the Built Environment
  • Nov 2016 │  Austrian Day of the Royal Anthropological Institute in London (UK): “Remote Connections: Human Entanglements with Built and Natural Environments in the Arctic and Elsewhere”
  • 25.10.2016 │ X. Siberian Studies Conference, St. Petersburg (Russia): "BAM Construction: Living Memory of the Happiest Time?" with Olga Povoroznyuk [presentation here]
  • 29.09.2016 │ Girton College, Cambridge (UK): "From Distance to Remoteness: Coping with Change and its Absence"
  • Nov 2015 │ Conference “VDNKh-2015”, St. Petersburg (Russia): “Remoteness, Infrastructure, and Mobility: The Social Life of an East Siberian Railroad”
  • Oct 2015 │ Ethnologisches Colloquium, Hamburg (Germany): “Remoteness, Infrastructure, and Mobility: The Social Life of an East Siberian Railroad
  • Sept 2015 │ Polar Symposium, Groningen (The Netherlands): “Transportation Networks and Human Mobility in the Arctic: Eastern Siberia and Beyond”

Кристоф Финк

  • 11.05.2016 │ Qualitatives Conference, St. Cathrines (Canda): "GIS Mapping & Anthropology towards visual based analysis and Dissemination" together with Gertrude Saxinger and Sigrid Schiesser

Ольга Поворознюк

  • 17.12.2021. | (Post-)Soviet Infrastructure: Social Dynamics and Identity Politics along the Baikal-Amur Mainline, East Siberia. Research poster presentation at the online meeting of the Institute of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Vienna
  • 03.12.2021. | Social and Cultural Dimensions of Transport Infrastructures in the North (examples from CoRe, Nunataryk and InfraNorth). Aalborg University Research Seminar, online. With P. Schweitzer
  • 22.11.2021. | Anthropology of Infrastructure in Siberia and the North. ASEEES Convention, New Orleans, USA
  • 04.11.2021. | The Social Lives of Transport Infrastructures: from CoRe to InfraNorth. Annual APRI meeting, Vienna. With Peter Schweitzer
  • 08.07.2021 | Транспортные инфраструктуры в освоении территорий и ресурсов российской Арктики (на примере поселков СМП). XIV Конгресс антропологов и этнологов России. Онлайн.
  • 19.06.2021 | "Ambiguous Entanglements: Infrastructure and Indigeneity in Evenki Communities along the Baikal-Amur Mainline" at the X International Arctic Social Sciences Confernce (online)
  • 08.12.2020 | The Social Impacts of Road and Railroad Projects: Cases from the Russian North. Arctic Change conference, Toronto (online)
  • 08.12.2020 | Conference panel: “Roads and Rail: Social and Environmental Effects of Northern Transport Infrastructure” at the Arctic Change conference, Vienna (online), with W. Vincent and F. Camels
  • 18.11.2020 | Сообщества российской Арктики в условиях социально-экономических и климатических изменений (на прмере пос. Тикси и с. Быковский, респ. Саха/Якутия), конференция «Право в контексте устойчивого развития Арктики: вызовы времени и новые возможности», Якутск (онлайн)
  • 30.09.2020 | Arctic Futures: Climate Change, Transport Infrastructure and Coastal Communities. Presentation at the VANDA conference, Vienna (online)
  • 30.09.2020 | Permafrost Thaw, Infrastructure and Community Development: navigating socio-economic and environmental change in Northern Yakutia, Russia. Presentation at the VANDA conference, Vienna (online)
  • 30.09.2020 | Conferencs panel: "Changing Cryospheres I: Global Warming in Polar and Alpine Settings" at the Vienna Anthropology Days (VANDA) conference, Vienna (online), with A. Meyer
  • 21.07.2020 | Hydrosocial Change in Tiksi, Northern Russia:  Melting Permafrost and Community Development. Paper at 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Lisbon (online)
  • 31.03.2020 | Transportation infrastructures and development: tracing socio-economic and climate change in Tiksi, Northern Russia. Poster at the Arctic Science Summer Week (online)
  • 29.01.2020 │ Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø, Norway: "Between socio-economic and climate change: transportation infrastructures and development in Tiksi, Northern Russia"
  • 25.11.2019 │ Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, San-Francisco, USA: "Re-Constructing the Baikal-Amur Mainline: Imaginaries, Ideologies and Affects of the Socialist Megaproject"
  • 23.11.2019 │ Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Vancouver, Canada: "Ambiguous Entanglements: Infrastructure, (Im)mobility and Indigeneity along Baikal-Amur Mainline"
  • 29.09.2019 │ DGSKA conference, Konstanz, Germany: “Living along the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM): Resources, Social Change, and “Sustainability” among Indigenous Communities”
  • 15.04.2019 │ SIEF Conference, Santiago de Compostela: "A Right to Remoteness? A Missing Bridge and Articulations of Indigeneity along an East Siberian Railroad". with Peter Schweitzer
  • 25.02.2019 │ A seminar talk at the Department of Ethnology, Moscow State University, Moscow: "Infrastruktura (Post)-Sotsializma: Pamyat’, Identichnost‘ i Politika Emotsii v Regione BAMa"
  • 18.11.2018 │ Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Jose: "Reconstructing the Baikal-Amur Mainline: Materiality and Affect of the Postsocialist Railroad"
  • 06.10.2018 │ Workshop “Siberia: Infrastructure and Environment”, Berlin: "(Re)Constructing the Baikal-Amur Mainline: Materiality and Affect of (Post)Socialist Infrastructure"
  • 21.09.2018 │ Vienna Anthropology Days, Vienna: "Affective Infrastructure: Reconstructing a (Post)Socialist Railroad"
  • 15.08.2018 │ Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Stockholm: "(Re)Constructing the BAM: Affective Networks of the (Post)Socialist Infrastructure"
  • 05.07.2018 │ International symposium “On Land, Water and Ice: Indigenous Societies in the Changing Arctic”, Sapporo, Japan: "Living Along the Baikal-Amur Mainline: Resources, Social Change and (Im)Mobility Among Indigenous (Evenki) People"
  • 17.05.2018 │ Conference of the Young Researchers of Siberia, Irkutsk-Listvyanka: "(Post)sovetskaya Infrastruktura: Opyty i Ozhidaniya Modernizatsii BAMa [(Post)-Soviet Infrastructure: Experiences and Expectations of Modernization along the BAM]"
  • 13.12.2017 │ ArcticNet conference “Arctic Change”, Quebec, Canada: "Uneven Development: Infrastructure, Population Change and Modernisation Along the Northern Sea Route" with Peter Schweitzer and Mia Bennett
  • 30.11.2017 │ Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington DC: The Baikal-Amur Mainline: "Constructing a Railroad and Identities as a Socialist Megaproject" with Peter Schweitzer
  • 09.11.2017 │ Austrian Polar Research Institute annual meeting, Innsbruck: "Overcoming remoteness? Technosocial networks, mobility and modernization along the Baykal-Amur Mainline"
  • 06.10.2017 │ German Anthropological Association conference, Berlin: "Baikal-Amur Mainline: Remembering Socialist Construction"
  • 04.07.2017 │ Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists of Russia XII, Izhevsk, Russia: "Antropologiya Infrastruktury BAMa: o Metodakh Polevykh Issledovaniy na Rossiyskom Severe"
  • 09.06.2017 │ International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences IX, Umea, Sweden: "History of Railroad transportation, settlement and migrations in the BAM Region" with P. Schweitzer [abstract here]
  • 09.06.2017 │ International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences IX, Umea, Sweden: Host of the Panel: "The Social Life of Transportation Infrastructures in the Circumpolar North and Other Remote Areas" with P.Schweitzer
  • 26.05.2017 │ 3d CoRe Workshop: "The Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) and Mobility: Experiences and Expectations"with Ch. Fink, G. Saxinger, S. Schiesser and P. Schweitzer
  • 05.04.2017 │ Arctic Science Summer Week, Prague (Czech Republic): "Impacts of Transportation Infrastructure: Social Dynamics and Sustainability along the BAM" with Peter Schweitzer [presentation here]  
  • 21.02.2017 │ “Gender Shifts and Resource Politics in the Arctic” conference, Uppsala (Sweden): "Railroad rhythms and gendered labor: professional and family lives of workers on Baikal-Amur Mainline” with Vera Kuklina and Gertrude Saxinger [presentation here]
  • 14.11.2016 │ "Cultural Systems", Annual Meeting of the Austrian Polar Research Institute, Vienna (Austria): "Human Entanglements with Infrastructure: Social Dynamics and Mobility Along the Baikal-Amur Mainline"
  • 25.10.2016 │ X. Siberian Studies Conference, St. Petersburg (Russia): "BAM Construction: Living Memory of the Happiest Time?" with Peter Schweitzer [presentation here]
  • 31.08.2016 │ univie: Vienna Arctic Summer School, Vienna (Austria): "Infrastructure and Social Dynamics along the Baikal-Amur Mainline, East Siberia" [presentation here]
  • 25.05.2016 │ “Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change”, Conference organized by the Royal Anthropological Institute and British Museum, London (UK): "Tradition and Change in Local Communities along the Railroad (mobility, resources and identity politics in the BAM Region)" [presentation here]
  • 26.01.2016 │ “Gender Asymmetry In Northern Communities (Perspectives from the Margins)”, IASC workshop, Lychen (Germany): "Indigeneity and Marginality: Gendered Migrations and Contacts in the BAM Region"
  • 16.01.2016 │ 2nd CoRe Workshop, Vienna (Austria): "Living Along the Railroad: Resources, Migrations and Technosocial Meshworks of the BAM Region"
  • 14.11.2015 │ “Exhibition of the Academic Research Achievement 2015: Knowledge and Technologies: production, transfers and circulation”, St. Petersburg (Russia): "Жизнь «на БАМе»: миграции и техносоциальные сети городов и поселков Севера" (Living "at the BAM": Migration and Technosocial Networks of Cities and Towns of the North)
  • 11.11.2015 │ Central European Polar Meeting, Vienna (Austria): "Local Communities of the Baikal-Amur Mainline Region: Impacts of Social and Technological Engineering"
  • 09.11.2015 │  1st CoRe Workshop, Vienna (Austria): "Living along the BAM: Social Dynamics and Identity Politics"
  • 11.09.2015 │ CHAGS XI, Vienna (Austria): "Living and mining along the BAM: social sustainability or resource curse?"

Гертруде Cаксингер

  • 19.06.2021 | "In Limbo Between State and Corporate Responsibility: Transport Infrastructure in the Oil Town Verkhnemarkovo, Siberia" at the X International Arctic Social Sciences Confernce (online). With Natalia Krasnoshatnova and Gertraud Illmeier
  • 2021 IASC workshop in cooperation with the Saami Council “Co‐creating Arctic Research together with Indigenous Rightholders”. Together with Elle Merete Omma and Annette Scheepstra, ASSW Arctic Science Summit Week, Lisbon, PT
  • 2021 IASC & IASSA Workshop “Gender in Polar Research II”. Together with J. Otto Habeck, Katariina Kyrölä, Stephan Dudeck, ASSW Arctic Science Summit Week, Lisbon, PT
  • 05.12.2020 │ Round table discussion “King in the North”, Antall József Knowledge Centre, Budapest, HU (online)
  • 15.09.2020 │ Together with Roger Norum and Christoph Fink, “Scaling the map: Contemporary theoretical and methodological innovations in participatory cartographic production”, panel at the conference of the RAI, Royal Anthropological Institute, London/Online
  • 15.09.2020 │ Together with Alexis Sancho Reinoso, "Visualising Ethnography in Maps: Cartographic Storytelling in Siberia", Conference of the Royal Anthropological Institute, London/Online, GB
  • 03.08.2020 – 07.08.2020 │ Together with J. Otto Habeck, "Gender in Polar Research", SCAR Conference, Hobart/Online, AUS
  • 30.03.2020 │ IASC & IASSA Workshop “Gender in Polar Research: Gendered field work conditions, epistemologies and legacies. Together with J. Otto Habeck, Katariina Kyrölä, Stephan Dudeck, Arctic Science Summit Week, Akureyri/Online, IS
  • 23.11.2019 │ "Multilocality and re-centring the resource frontier: fly-in/fly-out (FIFO) mining operations on indigenous land in the Yukon", Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Vancouver, CAN
  • 2019 Invited lecture at the Department for Anthropology University of Aberdeen (UK): “Multilocality and re-centring a resource frontier: Mining in a Northern Tutchone community”
  • 29.09.2019 │ Organized the panel “Sustainabilities’, Or The Politics of a Many-Faced (not negotiable?) Concept” at the DGSKA conference in Konstanz, Germany.
  • 26.05.2019 │ Together with Peter Schweitzer and Olga Povoroznyuk, "Social Science Perspectives on Arctic Infrastructure", RATIC Workshop, Arctic Science Summit Week, Arkhangelsk, RF
  • 26.05.2019 │ Together with Natalia Krasnoshtanova and Gertraud Illmeier, "In limbo between state and corporate responsibility: Transport infrastructure in the oil village Verkhnemarkovo", Irkutskaya Oblast in Russia, Arctic Science Summit Week, Arkhangelsk, RF
  • 2019 Together with Susanna Gartler, "Elders of the First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun, Joella Hogan: community presentation of the book “Dan Hunay – Our People’s Story. First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun Elders’s Memories and Opinions on Mining”" in Mayo, Yukon, CAN
  • 2019 Together with Susanna Gartler, "Elders of the First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun, Joella Hogan: community presentation of the book “Dan Hunay – Our People’s Story. First Nation of Nacho Nyäk Dun Elders’s Memories and Opinions on Mining”", MacBride Museum in Whitehorse, Yukon, CAN
  • 15.04.2019 │ Invited discussant: “Exploring the intersections between translocal living practices and infrastructural changes”. SIEF conference, Santiago di Compostela, Spain
  • 26.03.2019 │ Invited paper at the Mobile Labour Symposium at the University of Lisbon: “Bare life or meaningful sociality – managing camps for FIFO and rotational shift workers in the extractive industries in Canada and Russia”
  • 8.-10.2.2019 │ Workshop of the Regional Group Circumpolar Regions and Siberia of the German Association of Cultural and Social Anthropologists (DGSKA): “De/Colonized? Indigeneity, Subjectivity, Sovereignty”. Together with Andreas Womelsdorf and Joachim Otto Habeck, Uni Hamburg, GER
  • 06.09.2018 │ UArctic Congress, Oulu (Finland): "Queering Indigeneity: Indigenous Queer Intersections in the Arctic". IASSA Gender in the Arctic Workshop. Co-organiser. 
  • 22.08.2018 │ International Geographical Conference "China-Mongolia-Russia-Economic Corridor: Geographical and Eonvironmental Factors and Territorial Development Opportunities", Sochava Institute for Geography/Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk (Russia): "Mobilities in a remote oil region – the example of Verkhnemarkovo in the Irkutsk Oblast" with Natalia Krasnoshtanova and Gertraud Illmeier.
  • 2018 Invited presentation of research results to the local administration of the oil village Verkhnemarkovo in Siberia: “Mobility patterns and transport infrastructure”. Together with Natalia Krasnoshtanova, RF (in Russian)
  • 30.05.2018 │ "Looking through the multilocality lens: FIFO and LDC work making enlarged social spaces – cases from the Yukon". Invited talk at the Second Annual Meeting of the MinErAL Network, Sept-Îles, CAN
  • 2018 "Yukon First Nations: living and working with the mining industry". PolarTalk#1 at the Museum of Natural History, Vienna, AT (in German)
  • 21.02.2017 │ “Gender Shifts and Resource Politics in the Arctic” conference, Uppsala (Sweden): "Railroad rhythms and gendered labor: professional and family lives of workers on Baikal-Amur Mainline” with Vera Kuklina and Olga Povoroznyuk [presentation here]
  • 16.11.2016 │ AAA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis (USA):"Simultaneity and Separation: Understanding the Extractive Industries' Fifo Workers through the Multilocality-Lens"
  • 16.11.2016 │ AAA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis (USA): "Thinking through Multilocality: Mobility, Place and Time Reconsidered" panel organized together with Jelena Tosic
  • 11.05.2016 │ Qualitatives Conference, St. Cathrines (Canada): "GIS Mapping & Anthropology towards visual based analysis and Dissemination", together with Christoph Fink and Sigrid Schiesser
  • 01.04.2016 │ Conference of the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), Vancouver (Canada):"Living in a worker´s camp: gated communities in the (Sub-)Arctic´s extractive industries – Yukon and Siberia"
  • 15.02.2016 │ Western Regional Science Association Conference, Big Island (USA): "Community participation in mining: a Mobility Companion Guide for early career workers"
  • 11.11.2015 │ First Central European Polar Meeting, Vienna (Austria): "The Arctic Natural Resources Industry - selected aspects from Polar Social Sciences" key note
  • 11.11.2015 │ First Central European Polar Meeting, Vienna (Austria): "The Central & Eastern European perspective on current and future Polar Social Sciences & Humanities" round table discussion
  • 11.09.2015 │ XI. Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, Vienna (Austria): "Extractive Industries: Impacts, Benefits and Participation of Local Communities" panel organized together with Tatiana Safonova, Istvan Santha, Florian Stammler
  • 09.09.2015 │ XI. Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, Vienna (Austria): "Food (in-)security in Times of Changing Land and Ways of Life" panel organized together with Norma Kassi
  • 09.09.2015 │ XI. Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, Vienna (Austria): "Thriving Futures: Community Based Research and Planning" panel organized together with Sharon Harwood and Norma Kassi
  • 16.08.2015 │ Arctic FROST Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg (Russia): “We also want to mine in 100 years – let´s save the deposits!”
  • 16.08.2015 │ Arctic FROST Annual Meeting, St. Petersburg (Russia): "Local Ideas About Sustainability"
  • 12.03.2015 │ EU-PolarNet Kick-off Meeting, Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven (Germany): "The State of Contemporary Arctic Social Science – introduction to IASSA" 

Зигрид Вентцель

  • 19.06.2021 | "Educating the First Sakha Railroaders" at the X International Arctic Social Sciences Confernce (online)
  • 11.05.2016 │ Qualitatives Conference, St. Cathrines (Canada): "GIS Mapping & Anthropology towards visual based analysis and Dissemination" together with Christoph Fink and Gertrude Saxinger

Алксис Санчо-Рейносо

  • 19.06.2021 | "Understanding Perceptions and Use of Railway Infrastructures in the BAM Region: A Quantitative Approach" at the X International Arctic Social Sciences Confernce (online)
  • 2020 Together with Gertrude Saxinger , Visualising Ethnography in Maps: Cartographic Storytelling in Siberia, Conference of the Royal Anthropological Institute, London/Online, GB